Mindfulness and Meditation Classes Wicklow

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness helps us become aware of life in the present moment – just as it is:

When we practice Mindfulness we experience being centered, calm and focused. It is an ancient practice and is known for it’s wide- ranging health benefits.

Simply put it is a way to reduce stress while helping us to find who we really are.

Mindfulness helps you experience a sense of the real you, so that the behaviours you engage in are a reflection of who you are.

Isn’t that what you really want?

Mindfulness is simple.
My approach in Mindfulness is to give you the practices you need so that your life works for you.

This offers a way to be fully present in the moment. Instead of allowing our stresses/emotions to take over, it provides a gentle and practical way to rebalance, be more at ease with what life shows us.

Over time it becomes easier to reduce stress, self-calm and make wise life choices. Helping you to live the life you really want.

Exploring Mindfulness – with Freada McGoldrick –  One Day Programmes and Four/Six week courses in Mindful Living. Mindfulness is becoming increasingly popular.  From the recommendations of health professionals, to the boardroom and our school system, Mindfulness is now evidence based and shown to bring calm, focus and ease into our lives.

These one day courses and four/six week programmes are highly practical and specially designed for you to incorporate Mindfulness into your daily life straight away.  



This program comes from the Centre of Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society. It is an eight week program with a one day workshop.The eight week course – developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and recommended by health care professionals all over the world – is suitable for those who wish to experience the many benefits of the eight week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program. This program is scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, to increase calm and enhance physical, mental and emotional well-being.


This eight week program is designed with teachers in mind. It also gives some guidelines for introducing Mindfulness into the classroom. A certificate of attendance will be offered at the end of the MBSR 8 week program but first and foremost the course is  for teachers themselves.This program comes from the Centre of Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society. It is an eight week program with a one day workshop.
Freada McGoldrick

These Classes and Courses are run by Freada McGoldrick.