Release your Hips & Pelvis – A Weekend of Somatic Movement Education with Brian Siddhartha Ingle.
We are delighted to welcome Brian Ingle back to The Ananta Yoga Studios this July for another great weekend of Clinical Somatics.
Clinical Somatics is an approach to human movement, learning, and change. Somatics is based on principles of biomechanics, neurology, and neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to change itself. The system is recognized for the strategies it employs to improve posture, flexibility, coordination, athletic and artistic ability and to help those with restricted movement, chronic pain, and tension.
Through neuromuscular re-education and a movement awareness practice, we will learn to recognize and release holding patterns and chronic pain resulting from injury, stress, repetitive strain, and habituated posture.
This workshop will focus on freeing the movement of the hips and pelvis and integrating them with the rest of the body.
The slow, gentle somatic movement exercises will help you to:
• lubricate your hip joints;
• free your pelvis and lower back;
• reduce stress on knees and ankles;
• improve your posture.
This theme will be carried through with advanced clinical work, hands-on techniques related to the pelvis based on work of Thomas Hanna and Moshe Feldenkrais.
You will gain a better understanding of how your pelvis is your power center, how your hip joints connect to your pelvis and why having a mobile pelvis and hip joints can help improve your head and spine relationship.
The workshop is suitable for those who have a regular movement practice, work in the mind-body professional field as a teacher or therapist or those who have taken previous somatic workshops and classes and have an interest in deepening their understanding and experience of this powerful practice.
A certificate of attendance will be awarded to participants.
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.
:: Teacher ::
Brian Siddhartha Ingle N.D., D.O., Hanna Somatic Educator, Feldenkrais practitioner with more than 25 years of experience in the somatic field.
DATE: Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th July 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 5.00pm with a break for lunch.
VENUE : The Ananta Yoga Studios, 5, Wentworth Place, Wickow Town, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
COST: €300
EARLY-BIRD: €260 if booked before July 1
A deposit of €100 is payable upon booking and is non-refundable
Payment options available when booking.
BOOKINGS – Booking is essential with Liz Richards
Call/Text 086 8963425
Email –
CONTACT:: for further info re course content and Somatic movement
Call/Text Liz Richards for phone booking and admin info:
086 8963425