Saturday morning Vinyasa Yoga with Liz Richards returns this Saturday 23rd April!
We are getting our Saturday morning Vinyasa classes back on track this weekend after a couple of weeks break while there was lots of training and workshops taking place.
We will be hosting two Saturday morning Vinyasa classes for charity this month on this Saturday 23rd and next Saturday 30th April as we were unable to run one in March.
Our Charity for these two classes is The Samaritans – in particular – The East Coast Samaritans which is based on Arklow’s main street.
Samaritans is a charity for those who need to talk to someone – the volunteers are available around the clock, the conversations are confidential and the volunteers will talk about any issues that the caller finds difficult.
The Arklow branch has been open since late Summer of 2014 and is operated by volunteers from all around Wicklow. A troubled caller can ring the Samaritans, text or email, or can walk into the branch in Arklow (opening times 5.30-8.30pm) to chat to someone face-to-face.
Our charity classes will help to keep this branch running. In addition, we’d like to bring awareness to the local community of the local branch for 2 reasons – you may be interested in volunteering or you may wish to avail of the supportive services that the Samaritans has to offer.
Leaflets will be available at the studio on Saturday. Or visit…/samaritans-i…/samaritans-ireland
ALL drop in fees & extra donations will be passed on to this very worthwhile and important charity.
Class Dates – Sat 23rd & Sat 30th April
Times – 10am – 11.30am
Drop in rate – €12
Mixed level class – All welcome!
Booking is essential
Call/Text Liz 086 8963425