‘Breath of Life’ Somatic Yoga Flow Fundamentals II Workshop with Brian Siddhartha Ingle 10th & 11th September
We are delighted to welcome Brian Siddhartha Ingle back to The Ananta Yoga Studios this coming September 10th & 11th – 2016 to present ‘Breath of Life’ – A Somatic Yoga Fundamentals Workshop. Brian is no stranger to The Ananta Yoga Studios and has been presenting his extremely well received and professionally run workshops and trainings of the highest calibre worldwide for many years.
Limited spaces – please book early to avoid disappointment.
‘Breath of Life’
In this workshop we will explore how the simple act of breathing can be used to become more aware of our whole physical self.
As we all know, to live is to breathe but what we may not be aware of is how the quality of our breath affects the freedom of our movement.
Each breath shapes the quality of our life: physically, mentally, and emotionally. When our breathing is shallow and restricted, we are more likely to feel weak, anxious and tired. In contrast, when our breathing is healthy and comfortable, we are more likely to feel strong, relaxed and energetic. By improving the way air enters and exits your body, Hanna Somatics & the Feldenkrais Method can improve your health and vitality, giving you a powerful tool kit to help you maintain a positive sense of wellbeing.
You can expect to leave this workshop feeling relaxed and comfortable. But much more than that, by tuning in to your natural self you will also have been empowered with skills to improve your breathing and in turn your vitality.
We look forward to sharing this powerfully simple method with you.
In somatic yoga flow we find a balance between firmness and softness, tension and relaxation, effort and ease, strength and flexibility. By slowing down we can sense and feel more clearly how we are moving, we begin to experience yoga as dynamic, rejuvenating and absorbing.
The roots of somatic yoga flow come out of combining Astanga yoga and western consciousness movement practice, including Hanna Somatics and the Feldenkrais Method. It has also been influenced by Orit Sengupta and Vignana yoga.
The workshop will be divided into two parts. The morning time will be devoted to the basic sequences of Somatic Yoga Flow. The afternoons will include the Feldenkrais and Somatic breathing movement lessons which, will help with deeper immersion of presence, wholeness and physical integration.
In the Somatic Yoga Flow practice, we are more interested in the internal experience and perception of movement and ease rather than the external form of the asana. This practice has been designed to be a safe and effective way to utilize our self-healing capacity. Participants will also be introduced to the hands on clinical work of somatic education to help others improve their breathing.
Venue – The Ananta Yoga Studios, The Tap, Kibride, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
(Take Exit 18 onto R772 coming from Dublin & Exit 19 onto R772 from Wexford).